I've been to Japan several times and because of my busy work schedule , I never get to see any cultural performances. Last May though, my client invited me to see what they call a SHOW DINNER .Seeing that all my clients were Japanese men (and they often forget I'm a woman) I was quite curious to know what kind of show it would be. I figured it would be ala western style dinner theatre with a cabaret type of performance . In the middle of Ginza?!,.... it could be anything right?! So there, I was made to go inside a small entrance that led to an underground restaurant with small stage and a couple of very narrow tables. Both male, and female performers came out in their Kimonos to introduce themselves to all the guests. We couldn't figure out who amongst them "girls" were really girls coz everyone was just so tall thin and silky. One of them introduced himself and asked us where we were from and I said Manila, Philippines. He excitedly told us that one of the peformers came from the Philippines. So he asked him to come out. He came out in full gear. He looked vaguely familiar to me and then he said " I used to dance for PHILIPPINE BALLET THEATRE". UMMMM..... I'm from Philippine Ballet Theatre. I had to know this guy and he HAD to know me! I introduced myself and he realized who he was and I realized who he was. He thought I was JAPANESE. In all fairness, we aged a bit and its been around a decade since I last saw him. His name is Rency. When I was a company member in PBT he was a scholar and we danced together in 2 productions. I was amazed to find out that he has been dancing all sorts of genres in Japan for nearly 9 years. We said our goodbyes and I appreciated that he told my clients that I was " a respected principal dancer " in the Philippines (Disclaimer :SO NOT TRUE) . Curious couldn't describe how I felt at that point.... I was so close to just shouting " Let the show begin! ".
The show opened with a comedy act which I obviously did not comprehend. I knew he was funny coz the crowd howled and screamed in appreciation. I politely smiled and giggled at appropriate points . Then they finally revealed the stage. I expected a makeshift stage because the venue was so small . I was mistaken! It was a multilevel stage that looked like a jigsaw puzzle . It moved up, moved down, and was capable of splitting into levels . The stage however small it was, was fully equipped with lights, effects, even a smoke machine and a blower. Out came the dancers. They danced everything. To name a few genres, the show had jazz, hiphop, erotic, belly dancing, traditional japanese and even ballet. The repertoire had a combination of straightforward performances and slapstick treatment. The stage movement was dynamic and constantly created a magical entrance and exit.

So at the end of the day, in the busy streets of ginza I did get to see something special. It was not high art per se'. Nonetheless, it was was a heartfelt expression for love of performing. It was commitment written all over that ticket. I know they enjoyed. I did too.
(i really think they forgot i was a girl)